Tuesday 7 December 2010

Week 11

This week I continued working on the Current Issues in Media and Communications module as the presentation is this week, I feel quite positive about it as we have done a lot of preparation.
Next week is the last week of term and I am aiming to have much of the work that is due in January completed before I go home. The tasks for the next week will be finishing off the different assignments and conducting as many focus groups as possible for my dissertation, so I January I can concentrate as much time as possible to the editing and finishing of the documentary for Advanced Digital Media Production.

This week in LPD I have been concentrating on engaging with employers and agencies. I sent my CV to the BBC Jobs North employment site and was asked to complete a two-hour assessment. Within the assessment, I was asked to watch a series of videos and describe what I would do next in each given scenario. The next section was more of a challenge, I was given a series of logic puzzles and had to choose what should come next, the puzzles started off ok, but got gradually harder, I found the last few very difficult. I assessment finished with choosing statements which best described me. Overall, I think it went ok, so I am just waiting to hear back now – fingers crossed!