Saturday 23 October 2010

Week 4

This week I have been concentrating on a research project that I am undertaking as part of the Communications in Media Theory module. The research is to be part of an ongoing audience analysis by the BBC. The work that is done in this module will form part of the BBC’s research. We are working in groups for this project; our group has chosen the subject of older adults and the use of the internet.

We are currently at the stage of carrying out the initial questionnaires to find the differences between internet use among different age groups over the age of 50. I am expecting to find a vast difference of responses among those aged 50-65 and 65 and over. Of the respondents already surveyed, many below the age of 65 have learnt to use the internet in a working environment and are comfortable using the internet for many different tasks. Of those older, however, there are fewer people who use the internet or know how to use the internet.
As a group we will be compiling the initial data in the coming week.

For the Learning and Professional Development module this week I am looking at decision making, and the factors that affect the decision I make. I have discovered that my style of decision making is rational, as the decisions I make are based on a logical look at the advantages and disadvantages of a particular choice. I am to use this rational approach to help me with my career options. I will take the options I outlined in the previous blog entry and way up to possible positive and negative outcomes relating to myself and to others, I will then score the desirability of the options and the likeliness of the options and hopefully this exercise will help me narrow my career choices.

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