Tuesday 30 November 2010

Week 10

This week, along with the other group members, I have being concentrating on the Current Issues in Media Communications module and the research project we are doing in partnership with The BBC.
We have gathered all the research for our project, Older Adults and Internet Use, and are now focussing on putting together the presentation. My task for the week is to relate our findings to The BBC paper regarding audience goals and drives. This model looks at the psychological factors that shape our human behaviour, and therefore our media interests.
These factors are:
Cognitive Goals:
-       Relax
-       Stimulate
-       Challenge
-       Inform
-       Discover

Emotional Drives:
-       Stability
-       Isolation / Company
-       Aesthetism / Pleasure
-       Self Realisation and Identity
-       Contextualising the Individual
-       Socialisation
-       Self Expression and Self Actualisation

For LPD this week, we have been asked to work in groups to carryout a mock interview, which will be filmed so we can analyse our responses to set interview questions.
The job role I have based my interview upon is Media Relations Officer. I have been preparing for the interview task by researching the role and the responsibilities of someone who works in this position, my research has helped me answer some basic interview style questions, for example:
Why did you apply for this post?
I applied for this post because I feel that this company has a lot to offer a new graduate, I am aware of the trainee development scheme you have in place, and it sounds very exciting, I would love to be a part of it and would welcome the challenges with enthusiasm. I think this company would be an ideal place to begin my career, develop my skills and work my way up the chain within media relations. Of what I have read on the company website, the working relationship between management and employees encourages career development within this organisation and is an exciting team-orientated environment, one that, I believe I could thrive in.  

 If you get this post where do you see yourself in your career in three years time?
I would first of all look forward to developing my skills at entry level and gaining a strong insight into the working environment, in the next one to two years, through hard work and the achievement of strong job ability, I would like to be promoted to an Account Executive with the vision of reaching management level post in the future.

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