Friday 12 November 2010

Week 7

This week I have been concentrating on the pre-production stage of the Advanced Digital Media Production module. The lecturer has signed off my narrative proposal, and I have been working on the storyboards, script and interview questions.
I have initially met with a local historian who has helped me with the narrative and script, he also took me on a walking tour of the area, which gave me the opportunity to do start some location filming and shots of landmarks. The weather was not ideal for filming outdoors on the day, but he has agreed to come into the university on Monday to do a sit down interview, in which he will be discussing the history throughout the industrial revolution and describe the poor housing and overcrowding issues.
Other interview will be taking place in the next two weeks and hopefully the weather will be nice enough for a least one day on outdoor shots!

For LPD this week, I have been working on the content of my CV. I have gathered information on my education, qualifications and work experience and have also been thinking about my personal skills and attributes that I want to include.
I find writing CV’s quite difficult, so I am hoping that the session next week on CV writing skills will be helpful for me.
I also attended the ProDev career event this week, which I find out about in the generating ideas session we did in LPD a few weeks ago. There were many people there, but I did speak to some very helpful people and got some information on a range of career paths and course available.

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