Wednesday 24 November 2010

Week 9

This week I have been doing some more filming for my Advanced Digital Media Production module. I interviewed the neighbourhood manager for Salford Quays from Salford City Council. He was very helpful, the interview went very well and I was pleased with his responses. He also took me around the local area to film some of the landmarks he had been discussing. It was interesting that on film he was describing the area has a newly developed place that does not deserve the stigma it has, but still wouldn’t recommend I walk round the estate on my own! I am happy with the progress of the documentary so far; I have also written the narrative scripts and will be recording the voiceovers later this week.  

For LPD this week, I have been looking at different interview styles and evaluating which style I think would most suit me. The different styles are:

·         Telephone interviews
·         One-to-one interviews
·         Panel interviews
·         Case study interviews
·         Creative or problem based interviews
·         Assessment centre interviews

I believe the interview style most suited to me would be the one-to-one interview. It is the situation in which I would feel more comfortable in, as speaking in front of several people usually makes me feel quite nervous and a bit tongue tied. I think I would come across well in a one-to-one interview as I would feel more confident, which would be evident in my body language and articulation.

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