Monday 8 November 2010

Week 6

This week was a learning/consolidation week for my department so no formal lectures took place. I used the week instead to make a start on an assignment for Media Law. The assignment is about Intellectual Property Rights, I am to write a report outlining the recommendations of certain rights for a newly set up software company.

I started first with some research using the key texts for the module and made a start on my recommendations for copyright, as we have already had lectures on that particular right. I also wrote a section on employee and employer rights. I will add to the report following the lectures each week with regards to patents, trade marks, design rights and confidence.  The assignment is due in January, but I aim to have it completed before the Christmas break.

In LPD this week, I concentrated on goal setting and action planning, to begin this exercise I was asked to detail a SMART goal, which is a personal aim that follows certain criteria: specific, measurable, accurate, realistic and time-measured.

I outlined my SMART goal as:
·         To graduate with a first class degree in July 2011 and begin a graduate trainee programming in Business and Communications by September 2011.

My action plan to achieve this goal is outlined below:

September 2010
Begin third year. Draw up work timetable
November 2010
Investigate graduate trainee process; collect information, prospectuses; research – apply for appropriate programme
Deadlines for assignments, aim to receive 70%+
Interviews for graduate programmes
Sit exams, aim to receive 70%+
Graduate with first class honours
Be selected for graduate scheme, accept place
Move into new flat in location of graduate programme
September 2011
Start graduate trainee programme

Next week I will be concentrating on my CV and covering letters, and learning more about the job application process.

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