Tuesday 16 November 2010

Week 8

This week I got the feedback for my dissertation proposal and had a meeting with my supervisor. My grade was 75%, which I am very pleased with.
We also went through my literature and statistic review and discussed my next step. This week, I need to concentrate on narrowing down my research idea; I think I will concentrate on the younger generation and their increased use of online video, or young people’s objections to paying the license fee. Once I have written the rationale for changing my initial objectives I will start to write my focus group scripts.

As part of the LPD module, this week I have been concentrating on looking into future jobs. I have emailed my CV to some on the people I met at the ProDev day and been looking through graduate job sites for trainee schemes, but it is quite overwhelming and the application forms are very long! So I have concentrated on researching different graduate schemes and requesting information packs from various organisations. I plan to put aside a few days to work through the application forms, but first I am going to book an appointment with the MMU career services to get some guidance before completing the forms.

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